1.梦想的坚持真的可以实现,滴水真的能穿石,不要小看心中的梦想,一步步的累积,坚持的精神,是的我们都做到了2.今天接受了专访 有道题 你怎麼看待自己的生活态度?生活态度有千百 怎麼选择呢 那可以决定你的人生 不要去要求别人应该怎麼做,问自己做到了多少 做好自己才最重要 更要让自己乐观向上乐於助人 一生不会一直走直线,但只要看准方向,努力向前,跌跌撞撞,只要方向对了,最终还是会走到心中理想的国度 3.音乐真的可以影响人心,感动世界,而摇滚己经不只是音乐,还能给人力量! 7月17日 07:12 4.今天我坚强的试著去练舞 脚还算争气 我是个硬孩子 我做得到 现在已经是九号了 就在某年的父亲节. 恩 好不想去想起的回忆 从那天开始後的几次父亲节 都是和父亲在医院里度过 现在的我常常在梦里 还是会想起小时候的回忆 父亲在门口抽著烟 坐著摇摇椅 等著放学回家的我给他父亲节的惊喜 爸爸..父亲节快乐 4.如果可以 我想飞往 MJO星球 ! 8月15日 09:56 5.MJO. @. ENJOY. 吸收,学习 !!! 8月15日 22:04 6.我喜欢向日葵 因为它总是朝著阳光吸收正面的能量 出发吧 向日葵~~~!!! 8月19日 02:58 7.看了3D舞力全开 这部电影 让我很有感触 艺人的确有得有失 那是要去学习和平恒的 最重要 就是所谓目标的坚持 只要坚持 那 都是我们最终成长的基石 正面的能量 都是让我们永不放弃和永往直冲的力量 我会继续坚持当初所许下的愿望 向日葵东 也舞力全开 GO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! 共勉之 8月19日 05:11 8.看著向日葵 好像烦恼会减少似的 8月19日 05:25 9. 今天是我的生日 我想许愿 希望这个世界每个角落的每个人 都是开心的 幸福的 这个世界能够再更多更多的和平 也愿老天爷保佑别再发生任何死伤 不要再有那些让人气愤又难过的消息 生命真的是很宝贵的 真的 请珍惜自己的生命 更要珍惜他人的生命!!! 8月24日 02:53 10.大家的用心 和每一位不分海内外歌迷朋友所对我的祝福 也谢谢微博时尚战友 老堂 和 小村 的生日祝福 我都收到了 我会把它放在心里化成一份力量 就是那永不放弃永远坚持的力量 我会继续ENJOY 我的工作 我的生活 还有你们们们们们们 阿 ! 你们功 ~~! 後 ! 姆~! 後 ~~~~!!! 8月26日 02:51 11.向日葵具有向光性的花朵,人们称它为 太阳花 吸收正面的能量 勇敢的去追求自己想要的幸福 恩 I LOVE MJO 汪大师 上 8月26日 21:08 12.帮助人的感觉真好。爱心不落人後。帮助需要帮助的人 大家一起来喔。 8月30日 02:49 13.艺人难免遇到一些奇奇怪怪的事 我会选择自己调试心情 告诉自己 这是一种磨练身为一个MAN的男人要有的承受力和担当 可是当夜深人静时褪去光鲜亮丽才会觉得其实自己还是想当个孩子 虽然这是短暂的念头 当第二天的晨光照醒大地 我继续告诉自己 今天会是美好的一天 加油 赛亚人卡乐东没有什麽是可以打败你 14. 嘿~~~ 你们是不是偶尔也会想一直当个孩子呢 简单 单纯的世界 是多麼美好 笑容是那样的没有杂质 一切都不会复杂让人难以理解 昨天是怎样今天是怎样都已经过去了 不是吗 明天是怎样才是我在意的 因为还有你们 我就会期待 每一个明天 That's right 9月15日 03:22 15.以前我说 An apple a day keeps the doctor away 现在我说 Exercise a day keeps the doctor away !!!晚安。 9月29日 01:43 16.谢谢妈妈从小到大的栽培 我ㄧ定会继续成为您的骄傲 答应过父亲的我一定做到~继续前进赛亚东! 17.一步一脚印的我们 都会坚持著自己的梦想 也许跌跌撞撞 但过程中绝对不会忘记有你有我 一起加油 有缘的朋友 GO!!! 10月13日 00:38 18.希望大家发挥自己的爱 让整个社会拥有更多的关怀 有能力帮助别人是件幸福的事 10月21日 10:59 19.任何时候都需有光明积极的正面态度 10月25日 11:06  20. 看到一张微笑的脸 就算生活不愉快也就烟消云散 生活中碰到的艰难 一个鼓励的微笑 困难窘迫彷佛有了改善的空间 送给大家一个大大的微笑 明天又会个好的开始的 10月26日 00:19 21.或许是受父亲影响 从小到大我一直觉得男人一定要够努力有自己的一番事业才算的上真正的男子汉 所以我脚踏实地的一步步朝这个目标在走 努力是没有尽头的 努力也可能什麼回报都没有 但努力过的那些汗水却证明了我自豪我是一个真正的男子汉 更谢谢母亲对我的坚持无比的支持11月10号我飞香港 作我想做的事 11月8日 03:08 22.努力过。用心做。最後的果实。交给你们去分享。不管甜美与否。我的开始9月24日 11:20

星期五, 十一月 04, 2011

An Appreciation to Our Beloved Teacher - Mr Tan

Is not easy
wait till this ends of the workdays of week

purpose of blogging this
as writing an appreciate for one of the teacher, a man teacher that really teach me
and change me a lot
my tuition teacher when i'm form 1 till form 5
graduated my spm with a really surprising result

when i was form 1
though a friend's mum recognizing
that's the first time i saw this man
teaching me approximately whole subjects
malay, english, maths, science, geography and also history
and me and my friend, chii ying called him MR FATTY{肥佬老師}
as his plumy size

the first few months
i was really pretend as a good student there
praised by him as my english writing about the topic "how to make milkshake?"
reading out mine essays for an example to all
praised me that i used the adjective words correctly in the essay
prominent because of excellent in my present, past tenses
but also becomed prominent as i was becoming the most talkative there
the minute he started his class
i started talking with my neighbour sit friend
oh ya
making a mistake
not the minute he start teaching
but is the second i step into his house
i just will stopped my topic when the time i my mum came to fetch me back
don't from when he started ignoring me
he saw me copying the answer on the back of the book
until i lazy to copy at all and let it go
he just stay quiet
stared at me when my voice become loud which could really disturbed the others
for me
that time
i really none care about it
maybe i was unmature in my thought that time
and the scenario becoming worst
when my friend, chii ying come too
as my neighbour sit is occupied
she had to sit behind me
i turned backwards the whole class for chatting
days by days
i started argued with the boys there
tuition room suddenly becomed sensation
that the condition that i started the quarrel with the boys!
then the shoes' treasure hunt started
i really inunderstanding that why are the 14yrs old boys so childish in minding and
try to hide my shoes
sawing i finding my shoes panic ing as my mum waiting me
they laugh and pretend that none of their business
really annoyed
nows the war within me and the boys started!
mr called us back in saturday
for extra classes as our mid year exam was around the corner
optimum war section came
i ask my friends outside help me to throw the boy's shoe back!!!
then really,
my revenge successful!
but the next day i found that one of my paired shoe lost
sawing him cycled back with his outside friends
laughing along
i know what happened!
MR know about it
he brought me his wife new shoes
and said:"take this!"
that time what i was thought was "what this fully guy done?"
but now the time i recalled back, i feel touching, really touching

from that time onward i stopped the war
but the talkative attitude remained
bearly end of that year
i started playing a foolish guy who would like to be my boyfriend
calling my phone non stop
sawing that he willing give me all of him
i started playing with him
asking him for the computer games and movie CD
i unprefered that guy knowing my home address
i asked him to sent all the disk to my tuition place
really humor when that foolish guy started knocking the door of the tuition room
mr fatty meet that guy and passing all those disk to me which had wrapped with present wrapper
but i know and realized that, mr was annoyed!
but me, none care about it
continued sharing my disk with chii ying
don't know whether he was staring at me or scolding at me
i just let it go!
the second time coming!!!
again i asked that guy came and gave me more disk
this time mr knew that and juz locked the door ignoring it
what the hell?!
but i'm not foolish
i called mr's home line
and naturally he will go and pick it up
took advantage of that few seconds of time
i opened the door and take the disk!
really annoyed him
i'm sured i had raised his blood pressure to 200mmHg
all this is just a corner of it
captured him when he was teaching
shouted at him
threw paper to floor
really much to say
really feel hating for my worst attitude that time!
how can i treated a teacher like that???!
can't understanding......
that's when i'm form 2

before the lasting of my form2
one of the day,
he told us
the government stooped the school teacher teaching tuition outside
if teaching tuition
must pay the tax
he said that he had to stop this tuition class
maybe he will find a shop outside continuing his tuition class
but he need time
he promised he will called us back when he was already
he gave back us RM11 for the fees that we paid more
that's time our end of year exam had ended
he taught us until the end of the exam
although the news of the government already annouched for a month
how this man responsible is?

for me that time,
really none care about it
took the RM11
and used it up for my shopping!

when i'm form 3
didn't find another tuition teacher
mr fatty also didnt called me back
my mum said call him see
maybe he forgotten to call us back

really not willing to make this call
i knew why he was not calling me back
but not forgotten

a voice saying:"hello"
i tried to pretend that i'm a strange student
i asked "Is it here tuition center?"
shocked that the voice asking me :"who are you?"
the shocked had froze me for a few seconds
how i'm going to answer this question
how easy the question is and how much courage i need to tell
millions question appeared in my mine
why he was asking this question?
with a little tremble voice, i said :"i'm wai kei."
i know he was shocked too
"teacher, are you having tuition now?"
"ya, but you must promised that not to chat anymore"
then, he told me his new address and time
i knew he was not will to have the student like me again
but finally he told me he was teaching again
the first day,
i and my friend, chii ying attend to the new place that he told
this time
i really behaved myself and be quiet much more than before
but passing a few days,
we started to talk silently
but not as loud as before
and not terrible as before
becoming behaving now
i know he was also comfort about this
he taught us gently
and putting hope in our PMR
i'm becoming behaviour
but not too serious too
copying answer
was not far apart from me
i always done that!
so i know that i will not scored in my PMR
the tuition class stopped when PMR began
he wished us and blessed us
called us just after our exam asking us what is the title and what point we wrote
saw whether we wrote the correct point

PMR result is going to announce
i called him and asked him when is it
he was not sure that time but when the time he received the news about it
he called me immediately and told me
saw my PMR result
4A 4B
sad about it
UPSR full As student
now only scored half As in PMR
regret and sadness
that night he called me
asking me how about my result
told him
and asked him too how about our form4 tuition
he said he only teach us malay and english

Form 4
we started our malay class
he said he will arrange the english class for us
really work hard in this year
maybe the bad result enlighten me
started study all the time
but because of the neglected of my science and subjects on lower form
i really cant understand my subjects well although i'm putting tough in it
the first few chapter i can covered but the following up chapter
really dipersed about it

but starting form 4
my result really better than before
my class order not out of 10

but my lazy habit started in the end of the year
this indomitable teacher always printed out the point for us
told us earnestly
to memorize of it
and this is the time he said that i can do it but because i'm not putting effort in it
i knew it till kindergarden
all the teachers taught me will say that
even all the tuition teachers

Form 5, my another friend, amu came too
really happy about it!!!!
but this year
something had changed
Jia Yi from 5sc1 came too
follwing up
Adelene, Hui Teng, Hui Yan
came too
that time i really felt unhappy about it
in fact they are all my primary school friends
but don't know why i feel strange with them
that day they came
i started talking and playing handphone
not concentrated in class too
but after half year
i back to my own
hard work again
till SPM
he helped us all the way
concerned with our achievement
spotting question for us

but after our trial
his leg was injured
and stopped for two weeks

but the really touching is
he continued teaching us in the house opposite his house
sawing the plaster on his leg
stand using one leg
but he stilled teaching us tilled SPM
time passing like light speed
the last day of our tuition came
me, chii ying bought a present for him
and wrote an appreciate letter for him
asked him for his email address
but regret that he shaked his head

that second
i completely knew how is the feeling that not willing to leave a person
a great teacher like this!

on March
going to take my SPM result
scoring A+in my BM and A in my english
this was the happiest thing
the things i immediately did is calling him and tell him this good result
i'm sure he will be comfort too......

i wish that what i'm blogging today can be seen by my beloved Mr Tan
What i need and must to say is really thanks because of you,teacher! you are the one who didn't give up us!

